Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Just a short update on how Christina is doing, and a few highlights from her letters.

Christina Crum is serving in Machala, Ecuador.  It’s about 3 hours outside of the mission home in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

She has been out 2 months and is adjusting to the new culture, the new language, and her new way of life, She’s even trying to adjust to the food. From her letter,   “This week, a sister in the ward served us a soup called menudencia, which consists of chicken broth, noodles, and assorted organs that I assume came from the chicken.  It’s the first thing we’ve been served here that  I absolutely COULD NOT eat. I tried the liver, and it was terrible. My problem was that I could identify the organs! All I could think about was dissecting frogs and rats in 9th grade biology. I couldn’t bring myself to eat it.  I’m told this soup is actually pretty standard, so at some point I’ll have to learn to eat it.”


On a more serious note, she says,  “the Lord answers our prayers through our faith, and we show our faith through our actions.  It doesn’t do any good for me to pray for the Lords help and then just sit on my knees--if I really believe that the Lord is going to give me what I need, then I’ll get out there and work! And that’s when he sends blessings.”